
Terms & Conditions

This site in accordance with the Nigerian Law of the 1999 constitution of Act section…of… page… of the…

This site in accordance with the Nigerian Law of the 1999 constitution of Act section…of… page… of the Federal Republic of Nigeria:

  1. Reserves the right to information and activities on this site
  2. Adverts on this site must follow the rules of this site, if found violating the rules, agrobubble will not be held responsible on any actions taken by the site Administrators.
  3. Agrobubble reserve the right to keep all your personal data on this site for reference purposes.
  4. Spamming is termed illegal and thus, agrobubble deserve the right to take up legal actions concerning offenders.
  5. Be rest assured that agrobubble will not in anyway use your private information for any fraudulent activities as it is against the site owner’s policy, and that of the law of the federal republic of Nigeria.
  6. On no account should you disclose your private and personal information such as, and not limited to the followings: Bank Verification Number (BVN) and other Bank details, location, phone numbers, secret or personal password, etc, to strangers, or anyone posing to be associated with Agrobubble. Report any such cases, immediately for immediate investigation and proper action.