The health benefits of avocado will be looked at in a few minutes, because, over the years avocado serves as a remedy to certain ailments.

Before the end of this article, you will be enlightened on the value you didn’t know Avocado has.

So what then is Avocado?

Avocado is a pear-shaped vegetable with hard skin, with rich and yellowish pulp enclosing a single large seed.

Avocado plant first originated in South Central Mexico and it is classified as a member of the flowering plants.

The botanical name for avocado is alligator pear or climacteric pear.

The important Nutrients to look at in avocado

Avocado is a nutrient power house which serves as fat to produce energy, absorb nutrients and build cell membranes.

Avocados provide vitamin C and K to the body.

Avocado improves flow of blood, boosts the immune system and helps protect the body against infection and diseases.

The health benefits of Avocado makes the fruit have a regenerative effect on cell tissue, which makes this a sustainable support system for arthritic pains.

Avocado is a good source of potassium which makes it a great food to improve heart health. Avocado is low on sugar which prevents high blood sugar which can lead to heart disease.

It prevents eye disease later on in life. But will also provide immediate relief for other cells that are being damaged by free radicals.

Health benefits of avocado in weight loss and beautiful skin

Avocados support beautiful skin for nourishment and glow. Avocado is rich in healthy fat that translates to beautiful skin. It supports collagen metabolism for your skin.

Avocado exfoliates skin which helps remove dead skin cells, excess bam and other impurities from the skin. Build up of dead skin cells makes your skin look older and even leads to acne by clogging up your pores. Avocados help repair and nourish dry and damaged skin and give it an incredible glow.

It helps in lowering bad cholesterol partly because of the phytosterols present in the fruit; phytosterols tend to act as preventive agents that keeps one’s body from absorbing cholesterol.

It helps in weight management, however ย a healthy metabolism is a very influential factor in maintaining a healthy weight.

So adding metabolism supporting food into your diet has a huge impact on weight success.

Avocados support weight loss. The antioxidants-rich seeds help burn fat to aid weight loss.

Their double fibre content lowers one’s appetite and provides a feeling of fullness for several hours. This prevents a person from eating calories rich snacks.

It provides full healthy fatty acid to the body. Avocado is one of the healthiest foods for getting these healthy fats in your diet.

Do you know that the body needs fatty acids for hormone production for cell development and nutrients absorption?

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Health benefits of avocado to plant

The health benefits of avocado are not for human beings alone. I would like to blow your mind by telling you that avocados are rich in plant compounds which help improve the nutrients in plants, absorption properties of these antioxidants.

Avocados are delicious and versatile. A person can eat avocados anytime of the day and add them to different dishes for various purposes.

Avocado helps in liver cleansing because it contains glutathione producing compounds that helps the liver to cleanse itself.

Avocado improves the bone which makes it more healthy.

As we age one’s bones get weak and the risk of developing osteoarthritis rises ย ย 

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significantly in the body.

Avocado delays the aging process which accelerates skin aging and promotes wrinkles, age spots, sun damage, fine line and sagging skin.

The oil made from avocado seeds increases collagen in your skin which is important for youthful, firm and smooth skin. This will help reverse aging and keep you looking young for years.

Health benefits of avocado shows that it strengthens one’s immunity system during cold and flu season, and also keeps you safe from bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

Avocado fights cancer in which the healthy fats in avocado seeds can wipe out leukemia stem cells, while leaving healthy cells unharmed.

Avocado is beneficial for reducing inflammatory disease within the body which includes acne, asthma, Celiac disease, hay fever, inflammatory bowel disease and even cancer.

Treats arthritis: The health benefits of Avocado

Arthritis is a painful condition that is caused by swelling and inflammation of the bone joints. And this pain could get worse by staple food such as wheat, corn, sugar e.t.c.

However avocado is one fruit scientifically renowned for anti-inflammatory properties and pain killing.

Avocado lowers high blood pressure

Avocado seeds are very high in potassium, which is a good vasodilator. This nutrient helps relax the tension of blood vessels and arteries, lowering high blood pressure.

Avocado eases stomach and bowel. It can prevent and relieve constipation naturally and improves digestion of food when eaten.

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It is interesting to know that avocado seeds are used to make shampoo. This homemade shampoo will be free of toxic ingredients and help make hair thick and soft. It also helps to reduce the grey nature of the hair. This is why the health benefits of avocado can’t be over emphasized.

Avocado helps to reduce bad breath. As you know, bad breath is an exclusive tissue of an unhealthy mouth, or an imbalance in the stomach and intestine, which the intake of avocado helps to remove the microbes that are the cause of bad breath.

Conclusion on the health benefits of avocado

We will end this article by looking at a very important point.

Avocado is an excellent food during pregnancy. It not only helps in forming the nervous system of the unborn child, it also ensures healthy brains, cells and blood, and helps to reduce the cholesterol levels of the pregnant mother and reduces the risk of depression as well.

NB: With its cancer protecting features, skin care potentials, helping on weight loss, and normalizing sugar levels, it has been discovered that people who often eat avocado are usually blessed with robust health.

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